How Women Help Shape Human-Centred Technology Solutions

Human-centred design is an approach, which places the user at the centre of the production process. This results in the creation of products and services that are extremely useful, user-friendly, and fit-for-purpose. First developed in the field of ergonomics, its user-focused methodology has now been embraced by a wide range of disciplines and industries. This is beneficial to our end-to-end workforce and our customers.
How More Women Improve Human-Centric Tech Solutions
Women are under-represented in tech, and this has a negative effect on the entire industry. By encouraging more women to work in this area, we can experience a number of benefits.
Increasing the number of women in the workforce helps improve the problem-solving abilities of teams, thus leading to better human-centric solutions. This is because the greater the diversity of experience that a group has, the more perspectives it has to bring to bear when solving problems. Put simply, teams are more efficient if they have more women working on them.
Connecting With More Buyers
Having more women on the team facilitates human-centric solutions that appeal more to other women. In short, it makes it more likely that female consumers will buy your products through the establishment of deeper, more meaningful connections. This can give the companies that invest in women a competitive edge over those that arrive late to the party.

Companies that hire more women have been found to generate more revenue. In part, this is likely because of the more women-friendly products and services their human-centric solutions have produced. Women accounted for purchases worth $31.8 trillion in 2019, which confirms that designing products as well as services that are attractive to them delivers clear financial benefits.
More Role Models
Encouraging more women to join the tech and design workforce, while supporting their careers, and celebrating their successes, produces more role models for young women. It is vitally important that girls in schools are encouraged to take relevant courses (such as STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) subjects, which they are particularly under-represented in).
It’s a win-win if they are inspired to become product designers, programmers, web developers, testers and other important roles in the tech sector. Facilitating the successes of women, and making these visible to the next generation, will go a long way towards delivering more of the benefits outlined above over the long term.

Welcoming More Women to Our Team
As can be seen, increasing the numbers of women in the tech and design industries helps to improve problem-solving, enhance products and services, and generate more revenue, and empower the next general of women in tech.
Vsourz is committed to helping women find more success within the sector. If you’re interested in joining a diverse team that values everything you bring to the table, get in touch with us today.